The approach to our projects is rooted in our highly collaborative studio, where the group’s diverse backgrounds and design experiences intrinsically lead to novel approaches.

Our concepts are explored and executed through focused efforts, detailed processes and disciplined development, leveraging our lighting acumen into the implementation of creative solutions. We find inspiration in the ideas of our clients and their aspirations for their architecture and spatial compositions, working in concert with our design partners to achieve the aesthetic and functional program of our projects, with careful consideration to cost, complexity, energy and operation.


Our Office

1460 Broadway
Office 11025
New York, NY 10036



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Want to learn more about our services? Reach out to us.


Want To Work With Us?

We are always looking for people who are just as passionate about lighting, design, and are as committed to being at their best as much as we are. Reach out to learn how you can work with us!